Friday, February 28, 2025

A  little bummed........still

I am going to stay the weekend at my mom's and hope that helps to get me out of the doldrums.  Sunshine helps but it is not warm enough to put the top down yet.  I'm ready to go for rides though.  I have all my fav CD's and new adventures to enjoy.  I think this summer I will see if there are any parks I've not visted yet! 

No sales all week!  I've shared, followed, listed.  I have had some likes but no one buying.  I used one of the tools to bundle liked items for all who have liked anything in my closet and offered 40% off.  Nothing.

I did a silent show for over an hour and only one person popped in for a few seconds.  I made two ads for stories.  I posted to Instagram too.

Just did the Feb expenses vs sales and only in the black by $12!

I spend too much, I guess. That's the part I like the most!

Maybe I will buy lottery tickets.  I may have a better chance at some money on scratch-offs. 

Here's the thing:  I have very nice items in my closet at very good and fair prices.  I really need to sell something! 

Wednesday, February 26, 2025


Did you see the Emoji movie?  I am Mom Meh and have been for a few days.  I can't shake the Meh feeling.  I need to make some sales.  That will make me feel better/

I often make the mistake to listen to or read some news.  I have to stop.  It's too depressing and scary.  I fear people are going to continue to make ridiculous decisions because they are afraid of losing power. They will cower to bullies because they do not want to lose a position that is supposed to be where they help people but that they use for themselves. It boggles my mind the avarice some people have.  Aren't they rich enough? But that is a whole other issue, Just Live and Let Live!

When I concentrate on what I can control, I am much better.  All I can do is take action on what I can do.  My Posh closet gives me the distractions I need so I do not focus on what might be but on what is.

Wednesday is a listing day.  I have pictures to take and listings to add and that is what I will concentrate on doing today. Perhaps I will do a silent show later too.

Hopefully, working on my closet will change 😐 to a 😎.

Of course, an unexpected income would also accomplish that same thing! 💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰💰

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Monday, February 24, 2025

Better than Goodwill!

I spent the weekend at my Mom's house.  I miss her often.  It's great that I can stay in her home whenever I want.  It came in very handy when I started taking care of my grandsons because it is only fifteen minutes away from my son's house.

I like being on my own.  Making my own decisions.  Not having to worry what anyone else may want.  No second guessing.

I just chilled and did some sharing and following.  I added a few new listings.  I did go shopping.  Bought some things for myself for a change.

There's this store in my hometown called Label Shopper.  ( Label Shopper)  It's great.  Name brands for up to 70% off.  I found two sweaters, two tops and a pair of capri jeans for myself for about $20! (Liz Claiborne, LC Lauren Conrad) It could be a good place to source as well.  Sometimes, you may find things for as little as $3!  That's better than Goodwill!

I have also bought items for my grandsons from Spyder, Champion, Under Armour.... They carry home goods and clothing for men, women, and kids. I want to go back and shop some more just by talking about it!  Addicted to shopping much?

On the closet front, I went to the Curosity Shop on Saturday and found a few bags and one Cat's Meow item. Then, I took a road trip.  Just because I could!  It was cold but sunny.  I cannot wait for top down weather! I have a Buick Cascada convertible and love my top down road trips.  

On Sunday, I stopped at a Goodwill before going home.  I was there before they opened!  This man started pounding on the door five minutes before 11.  Wow! Can you imagine? Who is that impatient to get into Goodwill?  I did find a few items.  

There was a seamstress mannequin they had priced at $50.  It had a yellow label so it would have been 50% off.  I considered it because having a mannequin would help my items look better in pictures.  But, it looked damaged, old and really ugly.  So, I decided against it.

Then, I went home to the same old same old.  Not much happens after forty years of marriage and getting up in years.

So, a relaxed weekend.  It's nice to have that once in a while.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Monday, February 17, 2025

 An adventure and a lesson in sourcing:

I did go to Plato's closet on Saturday.  My plan was to stuff the bag with thin, small items as much as possible and get as much as I could.

So, I ended up with 14 items for $12.  Not bad.  I did not take the time to check labels, I should have.  Lesson learned.

I had 3 or 4 Shein items, a few IDK what they are items, and one ZARA sweater that may make up for all the others that I may not sell.

However, it came out to about 84 cents each item.  If I only sell the Zara sweater for at least $25.  I will still get my $12 back. 

Next time, I will take more time to look for labels and check the condition of the items.  

The salesgirl said that one of their sales is that you bring your own bag and everything is 90% off!  I cannot wait.  It will be so much fun.  I have a huge bag ready for it!!!!

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Saturday, February 15, 2025

A blemish on my otherwise good record!

And it was totally my fault!

I admit I am not perfect.  My eyesight is far from perfect.   I cannot always see or catch every issue.

I missed a big one this time.

When I listed a Zara item recently, I saw zero flaws.  I check everyhing at least twice in the store, when I take pictures, and before I package it. I never saw anything.

The buyer opened a case saying they found a flaw and included a picture.  Of course, I approved a return and Poshmark did as well.  I messaged the buyer to apologize and assure the person that I was very sorry and had not seen the flaw.  I was mortified that I had made this horrible mistake.

I would not feel so bad if the buyer had understood it was an honest mistake and had realized from my stats that I would never list something without an explanation of a flaw if there was one.  Maybe the buyer did not mean to word her comments implying I had done this on purpose but that's how it felt.  

I put a lot into this to feel good about providing good items to people with fast shipping, a nice card and careful packaging. This is a bummer.

I cannot make it up to the buyer especially if she feels I knowingly sold her the item with an obvious flaw.

Since I started Poshmark a few years ago, I think there have been 3 or 4 cases opened.  One, the buyer did not read the description and said I did not give the color of the item.  Second, I sent the worng item and we worked that out. Third,  there was an odd color pant and I described it as best I could.  The buyer said it was not the color she had hoped for and returned the pant.  Fourth, this one.

When I receive the return, I will write the buyer a letter. It's about all I can do to try to convince her I did not do this on purpose.

Today is another chance to do better.  I'm off to Plato's Closet to see how much I can fit into a bag for $12.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Another busy day...

Today, I have a Dr. appointment and lunch with a friend.  I believe the last time we had lunch was before Covid. Then, tonight, I may go see a play with another friend.  

That's it.  I guess it is not so busy.  But, no matter where I am, I have my phone and I can work on my closet.  I can share, follow, share, follow.

Yesterday, I sent out a comment to all who have visited my closet.  Over 2500 poshers.  In response, I received about 5 likes on items, 2 comments, and one sale!

Then, I spent about 30 minutes in the "Find People" and followed many fresh closets and new poshers.  I left a welcome for a few new poshers.

This morning, I sent a half dozen offers to the likes I got based on the follows and the message sent out.

Just keep on keeping on.

Tomorrow morning, I will go to winter clearance sale.  get up early and go to Plato's Closet.  They are having a winter clearance sale.  They give you a bag and you fill it with whatever you can for just $12!

My plan is to look for small items like leggings, athletic tops, lingerie, and lightweight clothing.  Shoes, coats, sweaters will take up too much space.  I hope to fit at least 6 items or more in the bag.

Wish me luck! I'll share what I find.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

 I'd love to make more money on Poshmark but.....

Let's face it, I do not have the room in my house, the proper lighting, the best equipment, nor the energy needed to really be in high gear with it.  

So, I have to accept that and continue to be thrilled when something sells.  I do enjoy every aspect of it, especially the shopping.

I also enjoy the flexibility.  If I am not up to anything, I can let a day go by where I do very little.  Fortunately, it does not take much energy to list, share, and follow.

Historically, I have been that person who always said yes to the Tupperware party, Mary Kay, Jewelry, Candles....

I even sold Undercoverwear for a few years.  Loved it too! Had a lot of fun.  I went to the Convention in Boston twice.  Had a blast.  Besides, there was the benefit of all the lingerie I wanted to buy for myself! Of course, my husband and I were much, much younger then!

Here's how I ended up selling lingerie, no toys!

My husband was involved in Community theater.  He was either getting cast in a role or running tech with every show.  Thus, he was rarely home or so it seemed to me.  I had the kids, one involved in ballet, every night on my own.  Yes, I know there are a lot of single moms who handle it all.  But, I had a resentment!  Why should he go off and have all the fun including cast parties that sometimes went into the wee hours of the morning and I was stuck at home dealing with the kids?

A colleague of mine was an Undercoverwear salesperson.  I agreed to do a party. She arrived a little early and brought it all in and set it up.  Then, she said that she had to leave and I will be fine on my own!  I had prepared a punch bowl full of Southern Confort and ginger ale, my favorite at the time.  

Needless to say, we had tremendous fun, from what I remember anyway.  Then I agreed to try doing the parties.  I earned some money but mostly enjoyed meeting other people and entertaining them.

It gave me a reason to be out of the house and leave my husband home to deal with the kids!  It did not bother him much.  He'd just take the kids to the theater with him. 

Turned out to be great for all of us.  We have all been involved in Community theater for many years.  I tried out for a play on a dare and got a part.  That was it.  I had the theater bug.  

Our son is a lighting designer for a professional theater.  Our daughter worked at the Folger Shakespeare theater for a few years and is now employed by a prestigious collegiate theater program. 

Now, my grandsons go to the theater with my son and are learning from him, just like he learned from my husband.

Poshmark is so much easier than selling product at one of those home parties.  I do not have to leave home except to go thrifting.  Plus, no matter where I am I have my phone and can work on my closet anywhere, anytime.

It's great how things work out,  Rarely what we expect.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

The flexibility of  doing my own thing with Poshmark

The best part of Poshmark is that I decide when I do what not a rigid work schedule I have to follow.

Yesterday, I found distractions because it was my birthday and I do not like to be reminded how old I actually am.  I went to the SPCA thrift store.  It was 20% off for Seniors, one of the few advantages of getting old.  I also found out that for every 40 dollars spent, you receive five dollars off your next purchase!

I found a Guess wallet and a cute mini purse.  I also found a WHBM skirt and another brand name white skirt, 

I went to Goodwill but it was, once again, a disappointment.

Today, I won't be doing much with Poshmark.  I'm taking a friend for a procedure.  That's the other part of aging.  Your social life turns into Doctor visits, procedures, and an occasional lunch with a friend.

Thank goodness for Poshmark.  It keeps me active.  Gives me a reason to get out of the house. Most importantly, I do not feel useless.  I feel more vital when I am focused on it. 

I enjoy getting good items to people and receiving a 5 star rating for my efforts.  Yes, I am one of those nerds who was excited to take tests in school and loved getting A's or B's.  I even loved test days when I was teaching.  I was so happy when my students showed they learned something!  Scoring a 4 or 5 on the AP French Exam, placing in the National French contest, or placing in the State Wide Speaking contest were great achievements for my students.  My favorite though was when the lightbulb would go off and you could see it in their eyes, "I finally get it" they would say. 

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Today is my birthday.  

I do not like even thinking about it because when I hit my fifties, I did not want to hear the words "Happy Birthday". It just means OLDER!

My plans for today are simple.  First up is the Rotterdam final.  Alcaraz has ascended into my #1 favorite spot since Rafa retired.  However, no one will ever be as good as Rafa.  He is the true GOAT.  Novak may have the numbers but Rafa has the sportsmanship, respect, and humility of a true champion.

Next, I will take advantage of the discounts at Goodwill and the SPCA thrift shop.  

I may go to TJ Maxx just to look around and check the clearance racks. Maybe the trendy outlet, Plato's Closet, has a discount today.  I don't know but I may go there too.

This evening, my husband plans to cook dinner.  Some experiment.  Taco pasta? We will see.  I don't care about going out to dinner or anything that acknowledges my old age!

I tried to come up with some kind of promo but the creative juices just are not flowing. 

I can share, follow, share, follow while watching tennis.

I do not have any new items to list so I can make a copy of a few and delete the originals.  That counts as a new listing and keeps the closet up in the algorithms.

What to do if you have nothing to add.  Choose an item in your closet that has no likes and no active offers.  Edit it and scroll to the bottom.  Choose Copy listing.  List the copy.  Delete the original.  Then, edit the Copy to remove the word "copy".  The rule of thumb is to do this with five listings which keeps the closet fresh.

Poshmark is giving gifts for listing weekly.  I am on a seven week streak.  My offer today was to choose a card, any card.  I selected one and it gave me a new icon for my app.  Same thing I got last time.  I missed out on a $50 credit.  I could use that in the wholesale market.

Once again, Poshmark helps me by providing a way to distract from the sadness of getting another year older! Ah, to be 29 again.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Sometimes I do something other than Poshmark

The last few days, I have listed, taken pix, shared and followed but not to the extent I normally do.  There are times when I want to do other things.  Yesterday was one of those days.  I had a doctor's appontment which went well.  I'm healthy. Then, I had lunch with a friend.  Then, I meandered a bit at a Goodwill but didn't have any energy to dig through the racks. Next, I walked some because I should do that a few times a week for my ankle and building my bones. Finally, I went to dinner with a group of ladies ending the day in fellowship.  I was gone from 11 amd until 8:30 pm.  I loved it.

I think that's the longest day I have had since recovering from the ankle surgery.  So, today, I'm going to have tennis on all day while I am on my Poshmark app sharing, listing, following.  Maybe  I will do a silent show.  Still no gumption to do a live show.

Besides, the weather is rainy and cold so it's a good day for watching tennis and leisurely work on my closet on the app.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

 Enjoyed a weekend away

Every once in a while I like to go stay at my Mom's house. I miss her very much and the house is almost the same as it was when she passed away.  I've added af ew things but just some momentos, clothes, and things for the grandsons when they visit with us there.

I feel like I've overshopped at my Goodwills and Salvation Armies, so I went to Teen Challenge.  I only found one pair of Michael Kors shorts that I picked up for $3.40.  I may be able to list them for $35.

I did share a lot and added a few listings but mostly I just chilled for the weekend.

On Sunday, I decided to take my grandsons shopping for Valentime's cards for their school party coming up soon.  Since I am not taking care of them every day now, I worry that they are getting what they need.   I shouldn't worry.  They are fine.

When I did care for them, I had rules and they knew the word "no".  It is very important to instill values in kids so they make good choices as they grow older.  No is a very important lesson.  If they have no boundaries or limits then they may become very selfish and demanding.

I am happy to say both were very good in the store.  I gave them their limits before we went in.  Of course, the youngest did try to push the limit.  Here's how it went:

the 7 year old:  "Linda, I know what you are going to say but I think I will ask anyway."

me:  "ok".

7:  "May I also have this?"

me: "No"

7:  "That's what I thought you'd say.  Boundaries, right?"

me:  "Right"

They have learned!

So, I didn't do much in my closet other than a few basics but I did enjoy my weekend and my shopping trip with my grandsons.

On my closet though-  I received another 5 star rating on a dress I sold and a very complimentary note.  And, I sold a bundle of two dresses. 

I did watch a few videos and was encouraged that I do not have to do live shows to make sales.  It is a tremendous amount of work to do it right.

Want to join Poshmark?

It's easy.  I recommend downloading the app and it will lead you through the steps.  Be sure to use this code to receive $10 of your first purchase:


See something you like in my closet? Comment that you read my blog and I will give you at least 25% off your item or bundle. 

  It's a shopping day! I know I have no more room but I cannot resist the shopping on the weekends! Today, I will go to Salvation Army a...